Open thematic sessions > Cultural and Creative Industries as drivers of EU triple transition: Needs, challenges and future skills

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Ruba Saleh :


Cadrage et objectif de la session


The 'linear' model of production and consumption has caused extreme and irreversible damage to the environment, as well as growing social inequalities. The circular economy paradigm represents a viable alternative. The emerging needs and new opportunities linked to triple transformations (green, social and digital) can represent an effective leverage factor for the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs), offering new opportunities to develop regenerative solutions, impactful entrepreneurial projects and healthy lifestyles. The use of Nature Based Solutions (NEB) and creative design thinking coupled with a circular and human-centred approach in CCIs represent the philosophy which this thematic session thrives to address under the framework of RIODD conference. Strong sustainability will be therefore explored in terms of collaboration and participatory processes, cultural workers’ rights and fair remuneration, socio-ecological transformations, iterative design-thinking, innovative context-based solutions and strongly sustainable cultural entrepreneurial practices amongst others.




The thematic session aims to address the following aspects:


-How can cultural institutional and CCIs professionals’ experiment and launch collaborative initiatives aimed at bringing behavioural change? 


-How to develop, collaborate and put in practice a human-centred framework that respects planetary boundaries?


-What are the existing tools and standards for regenerative practices within the CCIs?


-How to enhance cross-border and transdisciplinary collaboration and cross-fertilize with other sectors of the society?


-What are the upskilling and reskilling needs to meet the objectives of the triple transition?


-How can the experiences and practices of CCIs contribute to local/regional/global policy debate, scientific processes & entrepreneurial practices?






Alessandro Crociata, Massimiliano Agovino and Pier Luigi Sacco (2015), ‘Recycling Waste: Does Culture Matter’, Journal of Behavioural and Experimental Economics, 55,


 Arie Lengkeek and Carolina Mano Marques (2022), ‘Ecologies of change. How art explores the pathways for a just transition’, Field Actions Science Reports, Special Issue 24, pp. 102-104,


 Dessein J., Soini K., Fairclough G., Horlings L. (2015), Culture in, for and as Sustainable Development. Conclusions from the COST Action IS1007 Investigating Cultural Sustainability,


 Giliberto, F. and Labadi, S. (2022). Harnessing Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Development: An Analysis of Three Internationally Funded Projects in MENA Countries. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 28(2), 133-146.


 Granata, P. (2022). Culture for SDGs Toolkit: A Practical Guide to the United Nations Sustainable Develoment Goals for Cultural and Heritage Organizations in Canada. Canadian Commission for UNESCO.


 Hivos (2021), ‘Climate Justice White Paper: Putting Justice, Equity and Human Rights at the Core of Global Climate Action’,


 Jensen, L. et al. (2023). Beyond Growth: Pathways Towards Sustainable Prosperity in the EU. Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services, European Parliament.


 Jordi Baltà Portolés (2022), ‘Environmental Sustainability in Contemporary Dance: Emerging Issues, Practices and Recommendations’, European Dancehouse Network.




Julie’s Bicycle (2021), ‘Culture: The Missing Link to Climate Action. Summary Report’. British Council and Julie’s Bicycle  


 Komorowski, M.; Lewis, J. The Creative and Cultural Industries: Towards Sustainability and Recovery. Sustainability 2023, 15, 9923.


 Labadi, Sophia (2022) Rethinking heritage for sustainable development. Autres. UCL Press, London, UK, 244p. ISBN 978-1-80008-194-9 (Hbk), 978-1-80008-193-2 (Pbk), 978-1-80008- 192-5 (PDF), 978-1-80008-195-6 (epub)


 Morel H., et al. (2022), ‘Global Research and Action Agenda on Culture, Heritage and Climate Change’. ICOMOS & ICSM,


 Nordicity (2020). The Missing Pillar: Culture’s Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. British Council.


 Shrivastava P., Ivanaj V., Ivanaj S. (2012), “Sustainable development and the arts”, International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 60 No. 1-2, pp. 23-43.


 UN Special Rapporteur in the field of Cultural Rights (2020), ‘Report on climate change, culture and cultural rights, A/75/298’,


 UNEP [United Nations Environment Programme] (2023), ‘UN resolution billed as a turning point in climate justice’, 31 March 2023,


 UNESCO [United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization] (2005), Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions.


 UNESCO (2019). Culture | 2030 Indicators.


 UNESCO (2022). UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Policies and Sustainable Development – MONDIACULT 2022: Final Declaration.


 Vassilka Shishkova (2022), ‘Fair Enough? - Report from the IETM Focus Meeting Brussels 7-8 April 2022’,  


 Voulvoulis, N., Giakoumis, T., Hunt, C., Kioupi, V., Petrou, N., Souliotis, I. and Vaghela, C.J.G.E.C. (2022). Systems Thinking as a Paradigm Shift for Sustainability Transformation. Global Environmental Change, 75, 102544.

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